martes, 27 de febrero de 2018



Today we're going to meet Indra, the bravest warrior of Trikru. She trains Octavia and teaches her how to fight. 

Indra is a recurring character in the second, third, fourth, and fifth seasons. She is portrayed by cast member Adina Porter and debuts in Inclement Weather as the Chief of Tondc.
Indra and her people were initially at war with the Sky People until their Commander called a truce. Indra remained distrustful of the Sky People but was willing to train with them for the sake of the alliance. Eventually, she took one of them on as her Second. After Lexa sounds the retreat, Indra obeys and leaves the Sky People to fend for themselves against Mount Weather. Later, Indra shows that she struggles with that decision by helping Lincoln escape so he can help the Sky People.
In Season Three, Indra goes with several hundreds other Grounders to Arkadia to protect them from the Ice Nation. However, under Pike's leadership, Arkadians slaughtered the whole army except for Indra. Indra was later imprisoned by followers of A.L.I.E. after she refused to take the chip. She escaped with Murphy, Pike, and some of her people but was hunted down by A.L.I.E. and hung up on a cross by Marcus Kane who had become chipped. She was freed from the cross by Skaikru after Clarke destroyed A.L.I.E.

Here you have a youtube video of Indra kom Trikru:

Karel Faya Caballero

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