sábado, 24 de febrero de 2018



Hey dear readers of my blog! Now I’m gona to present you Bellamy, the hottest guy in the whole series hahahah.. Hope you like him as all girls do!
Bellamy is the major character next to Clarke Griffin in the first, second, thirth, fourth and fifth seasons of the 100. He's Octavia Blake's big brother. Bellamy was manipulated into attempting to assassinate Chancellor Jaha at the behest of his political enemies, an action he later showed remorse for. He only did this because in return for shooting Jaha, he was promised a position on the dropship that would be sent to Earth with his younger sister Octavia on it. By posing as a guard, Bellamy was able to sneak on the dropship unnoticed. Bellamy was not part of the 100, although he quickly established himself as their leader once the dropship landed on Earth. Soon he took over alongside John Murphy. 
bellamy blake season 5 bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiakAt first, Bellamy and Clarke Griffin struggled with each other for leadership of the Delinquents. Bellamy was sick of always being controlled and following strict rules his whole life, so he took his newfound freedom as a chance to do whatever the hell he wanted with no rules and no consequences for anything, in which the majority of the other kids agreed with. 

Att: Karel Faya Caballero

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